Annex AYork Health and Care Partnership



Monday 19 December 2022, 12:30 - 15:00

Severus Meeting Room; First Floor, West Offices

Chair: Ian Floyd

                                                 Minutes – draft


Ian Floyd (Chair)

Chief Operating Officer

City of York Council (CYC)

Simon Morritt

Chief Executive


Professor Karen Bryan


Vice Chancellor

York St John University (representing higher education)

Simon Bell

Finance Director

York Place:

Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care System (H&NY ICS)

Sarah Coltman- Lovell

York Place Director

York Place H&NY ICS

Alison Semmence

Chief Executive

York Centre for Voluntary Services (CVS)

Cllr. Nigel Ayre

Executive Member for Finance and Major Projects


Professor Mike Holmes




Present via MS Teams

Jamaila Hussain

Corporate Director of Adult Service and Integration


Michelle Carrington

Executive Director for Quality & Nursing

York Place H&NY ICS

Zoe Campbell

Managing Director

Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust (TEWV)

Sharon Stoltz

Director of Public Health


Rebecca Field

Joint Chair of York Health and Care Collaborative

York Medical Group

Stephanie Porter

Interim Director of Primary Care

York Place H&NY ICS

In Attendance

Peter Roderick

Consultant in Public Health

York Place H&NY ICS/CYC

Phillip Truby

Public Health Specialist Practitioner Advanced


Hannah Taylor

Team Administrator

York Place H&NY ICS

In Attendance via MT

Gary Young

Lead Officer Primary Care


York Place H&NY ICS

Abigail Combes

Head of Legal and Regulatory functions

York Place H&NY ICS

Doug Flockhart


Head of Performance and Programme Delivery (Mental Health and Learning Disabilities)

Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership


Anna Basilico

Senior Programme Manager

York Place H&NY ICS

Michal Janik

Project Support Officer

York Place H&NY ICS


Bryn Roberts

Director of Governance and Monitoring


Gail Brown


York Schools & Academies Board

Sian Balsom


York Healthwatch

Emma Johnson

Chief Executive

St. Leonards Hospice




Led by


Welcome and apologies for absence


The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and noted the apologies. The Chair was pleased to welcome and introduce Sarah Coltman-Lovell, the recently appointed Place Director for York from 19 December 2022.


The minutes of the meeting held on 28.11.2022 were reviewed and there were no matters arising from the last set of minutes and the Executive Committee.


·        Declarations of interest

No declaration of interest reported.






York Population Health Hub


Phillip Truby and Anna Basilico delivered a presentation on the York Population Health Hub's (PHH) purpose, achievements and what it can offer to support the delivery of YHCP priorities. The Hub is a multi-organisation group which brings together colleagues from the local authority, health, public health, and business intelligence to enable, analyse and undertake population health management approaches in York.


PHH uses a tool called Population Health Management, which applies quality improvement methods to whole populations of people rather than individuals. Data packs exploring health inequalities in York that have been produced through the hub are available publicly from


The PHH is a resource for the system and Partners were encouraged to approach PHH for support when planning and designing services.   The PHH tools were recognised as useful resources to support commissioning services for York population when planning, for example the York winter plan for 2023.


It was pointed out that one of the PHH data packs on cost of living shared with GP practices require admin support to contact vulnerable people to offer support. It was brough to partner attention that currently GP practices are under pressure for admin support. When implementing population health management approaches partners should be aware of the current demand and pressure on services.


The presentation was positively received by partners who were impressed by the work of the Hub and committed to become champions of PHH work. Partners positively acknowledged the examples of work focusing on prevention and were interested to know how data packs could support clinicians and front-line staff to improve outcomes for patients.


Action 1: All partners committed to consider population health management approaches in services design and planning, reaching out to the PHH if any support is required.


It was emphasised that information governance was a main enabler to link the data between partners and there was a need for change on how data sharing agreements are being applied across partners. To improve this, it was suggested that the PHH explore working with a Caldicott Guardian to understand how these agreements can be improved.


Action 2: Peter Roderick and Anna Basilico to explore options with the Caldicott Guardian and report back to the YHCP Executive Committee.


Action 3: York PHH to update the YHCP Executive Committee on progress twice yearly.



Phillip Truby and Anna Basilico


Overarching priority: System pressures


Partners provided individual update on the system pressure from the summary slide with main points listed below: 


Emergency and activity:

·        It was reported that last weekend was challenging due to increase in flu and COVID cases.

·        The hospital was planning and preparing for the strike actions from YAS with panned care and elective cases to be reviewed daily.

·        Work is ongoing on recovery position and the trust was working with partners on discharge fund to access more capacity over the winter.


Primary Care:

·        Work is ongoing to make GP OPEL reporting more effective. There is increasing pressure on general practice, on average last week GP practices were reporting at OPEL 3, including high levels of staff sickness.


Adult social care:

·        Another five agencies have joined the framework for domiciliary care to clear waiting list for reablement.

·        Adult social care was reporting at OPEL3.



·        The Quality Group remit has been confirmed, focusing on initial health assessments on children entering care.

·        There is a priority to focus on oral health for children and bladder and bowel pathway for children and adults.

·        It was highlighted that secondary care referrals for children therapy were increasing.

·        The Quality Group is looking at the quality of the discharges and learning to capture.

·        The group is also supporting TEWV and the CQC action plan for YTHFT.


York CVS:

·        There are more mental health-based referrals and long waiting lists being reported.

·        There are also challenges trying to link patients in with specialist services-MH, Autism/ADHD, and Trauma support.


 Public Health:

·        School based immunisation programme are commissioned by NHS E and work is ongoing to address earlier vaccinations of children.

·        Data reflects low uptake of the flu vaccine in pregnant women.  

·        Partners were made aware that people are deteriorating while waiting for elective or ophthalmology procedures.

·        Impact of cost of living has been reported with parents not being able to afford to heat the houses, impacting children's health.


Partners comments on the system pressure report:

·        Partners sought assurance from the Committee on the actions being taken. This was covered through verbal updates from partners and through the update on the winter plan provided by Michelle Carrington and Gary Young.

·        Partners agreed that future iterations of the report and discussions at this meeting would focus on solutions, using resources differently and the key things partners around the table need to know to inform their organisational planning.


Partners agreed that there was a requirement for honest communication and assurance to the public on behalf of the partners on how current system challenges are being addressed and what can be achieved realistically. Partners expressed their interest in improving communication with local media to support communication with the public messaging. This will be explored further as a separate agenda item at future meeting.


Action 4: Sarah Coltman-Lovell/Anna Basilico to explore opportunities for communications teams across the YHCP to link up to provide consistent, honest messaging to the public.  


·        Winter plan – update

Previously submitted as a Winter Plan now renamed as Urgent and Emergency plan to address urgent and emergency scheme.  This plan will be submitted to ICB and presented to partners in January.


Partners were interested in a detailed update on winter plan progress on the schemes which form part of the Urgent and Emergency plan. This will be presented at the January meeting and added to the Partnership forward planner to be discussed after winter and to reassess what has been achieved and what worked well and what had the biggest impact.


Partners agreed that one of the biggest innovations is the culture and how to work as a system to create the culture. It was recommended to have dedicated time on this topic outside of the Executive Committee meeting.


Action 5: Work on culture to be revisited outside of the Executive Committee meeting.




Anna Basilico/














































































Partnership Priorities: Key strategic actions


Following agreement of the YHCP priorities at the September meeting it was requested that Anna Basilico brings a paper to the December meeting to outline the key strategic actions for the YHCP to undertake for each priority. Some of the key strategic actions are already being progressed within the subgroups or as part of business as usual work, and a highlight report for each sub-group will be produced quarterly and submitted to partners for assurance on progress.



Partners discussed some of the emerging actions, those being:

·        Access to Dentistry: Partners were interested to explore possibility of establishing dental school in the region as this would provide community resource currently lacking in the system. The Director of Public Health shared that NHS England is devolving commissioning responsibilities for dentistry to ICBs. For Humber and North Yorkshire ICB, an advisory group has been established to oversee this transition.

·        Children and Young people Core20PLUS5: the quality group is leading on the plan for reducing health inequalities for CYP which will be brought back to the YHCP for approval.


Action 6: Public Health and Healthwatch to seek representation on the HNY advisory group for dentistry.


Action 7: CYP quality plan for health inequalities to be discussed and approved at future YHCP meeting.


Anna Basilico


Better Care Fund Update


JH presented a paper with an update on the allocation of the Adult Social Care discharge funds. The Better Care Delivery Group leads this work to ensure that partners across the system have been involved in putting forward schemes that focus on discharge and flow. Implementation plan for schemes has been communicated, with some of the schemes staring early January.


The York Health and Care Partnership were asked to note the contents of the report and the information within the attached appendices. 


Jamaila Hussain


Mental Health, Learning Disabilities & Autism (MH & LDA) Collaborative


DF delivered a presentation on MH & LDA services in Humber and North Yorkshire including vision, strategy, and programme of work with priority workstreams. The Clinical Assembly was established across the programme to promote clinical engagement by informing clinicians of the work of the programme, sharing good practice, discussing key issues (nationally & locally), and involving clinicians in the development of the strategy. Workforce transformation and integration are taking place to deliver the MH ambition of the NHS Long Term Plan.


Partners were interested to learn more specifically on how the collaborative links with York place performance and in which areas improvements could be made. 


Action 8: DF to share data on York place MH & LDA performance with partners.

Action 9: DF to check at the ICB steering groups and where York is not represented to ensure there is a representation from York.


Doug Flockhart




No other business was raised.  
